Monday, June 1, 2015
Blog #9
This Weeks blog is my last and so far blogging has been ok. Its not my favorite thing to do but it does bring my grade up a little so yeah I guess I do like blogging. That said I only did blog when I was forced to blog because what's the point of blogging your thoughts when you teacher is the only one who sees it. So I guess this is my last blog ever. But I give like having people out there that blog for money. I don't think I would ever read someone else blog unless I know them personally. This is me signing off forever.

Monday, May 18, 2015
I think that they came up with random celebrations just to give someone a job which is a good idea. But I do believe that there are corny people out there that love to celebrate these things just to throw parties which is a really good thing. Some celebrations that we celebrate in may are Nurse's week which is where we celebrate our nurses for all the hard work they do. Another celebrations is wildflower day, and police week which is pretty cool. I think we should have a national squirt gun day where we bring squirt guns and water balloons to school and get everyone wet.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Blog #6
I don't think there is much violence in TV it just depends on what watch. Like I like to watch the Big Bang Theory and other realistic TV shows like that but I there isn't as much violence as you would think, maybe in cartoons like family guy. TV shows that are not suitable for kid viewers so they should be on after a certain time like 10 at night. I think many show only show violence so that it really gets the viewers attention. I think that family guy is so violent because it just shows people running around shooting each other and snapping their own necks. If I had to put a certain age on family guy for our generation I would say you can start watch it on your 16th birthday.

Monday, May 4, 2015
Blog #5
Cinco de mayo is the Mexican celebration that takes place on May 5th. It's a celebrates the victory that Mexico had over France in 1862. This only applies to the Mexicans because it is like a Mexican version of July 4th for us. I don't think it should be a national holiday because the Mexicans are just rubbing in the victory.
Cinco de mayo is the Mexican celebration that takes place on May 5th. It's a celebrates the victory that Mexico had over France in 1862. This only applies to the Mexicans because it is like a Mexican version of July 4th for us. I don't think it should be a national holiday because the Mexicans are just rubbing in the victory.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Blog #
I love prom. Unfortunately I have never even gone to prom so the only thing I know about prom comes from movies. If I did go to prom I would expect a pink and red color theme and it would be awesome. After prom is way better than actual prom, that's what my brother said anyway but next I will probably to prom and after prom. I also think it is important for everyone to go to prom to the teenage experience.
I love prom. Unfortunately I have never even gone to prom so the only thing I know about prom comes from movies. If I did go to prom I would expect a pink and red color theme and it would be awesome. After prom is way better than actual prom, that's what my brother said anyway but next I will probably to prom and after prom. I also think it is important for everyone to go to prom to the teenage experience.
Monday, April 20, 2015
Blog 3
This week we celebrate Earth Day which may sound fun but in the past I have never really celebrated Earth Day but I think it is a really good idea because it tells everyone that the earth is worth caring about and that we should take care of it. Some interesting facts about Earth day is: it was founded by senator Gaylord Nelson, over 100 billion pieces of junk mail are mailed each year, and on the first Earth Day over 20 million people participated in it. That is why I think that Earth day should be celebrated by everyone being kind to one another and picking up any trash we find on the sidewalk.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Blog #2
These last days we had our spring break which was awesome. The best day from my spring break would have to be when I got to spend the day with my brother who was here for the day. He only got to be here a day because he had to go back to the military so he decided to visit us after his own vacation. So we picked him up and went to breakfast which was okay because it was only ihop so my expectations right to assume it was okay. After breakfast we went shopping for about 8 hours which was crazy long, then we drop him off back at the airport. That is the funniest day of my spring break.
These last days we had our spring break which was awesome. The best day from my spring break would have to be when I got to spend the day with my brother who was here for the day. He only got to be here a day because he had to go back to the military so he decided to visit us after his own vacation. So we picked him up and went to breakfast which was okay because it was only ihop so my expectations right to assume it was okay. After breakfast we went shopping for about 8 hours which was crazy long, then we drop him off back at the airport. That is the funniest day of my spring break.
Monday, March 30, 2015
The fist pencil 1662, and were created by Faber Castell. I do not like using a yellow pencil though only because a truly good student uses a mechanical pencil. That is why I only use a mechanical pencil but when I do use a pencil I do tend to doodle. The only time actually need to use a pencil is when I have to do a scantron. I think its that way because without a pencil you can not ever redo what you wrote.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Blog #10
Well today my brother comes home from the army. That means we leave for detroit around four to go pick him up which will be awesome because we get to go out to eat. I think the last time I actually saw my brother was last christmas, but this time he is staying for at least 3 weeks. So i'm pretty sure when he leaves that I will be happy because I will probably get annoyed with him around 2 weeks. I super proud that he's my brother and how he serves his country.
Well today my brother comes home from the army. That means we leave for detroit around four to go pick him up which will be awesome because we get to go out to eat. I think the last time I actually saw my brother was last christmas, but this time he is staying for at least 3 weeks. So i'm pretty sure when he leaves that I will be happy because I will probably get annoyed with him around 2 weeks. I super proud that he's my brother and how he serves his country.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Blog #9
I do think that it is easy to take pictures of new born babies in potrait mode because they are just cute so if you take a picture no one is going to criticize. If you had a picture that had a lot of details and color in the picture would make a great potrait picture.
Its really easy to take a potrait
picture if you have the right
equipment like camera and
lighting and other things.

picture if you have the right
equipment like camera and
lighting and other things.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Blog #8
If I saw one of my own friends cheating on a test I would probably black mail them into doing something I want or I would turn them in. If however they failed to meet my needs then I would take the high road and tell on them. I would only tell on them because I would want to make a habit out of it, so really I would be doing them a favor. If they get caught then we can stop them before you makes it a usually thing.
If I saw one of my own friends cheating on a test I would probably black mail them into doing something I want or I would turn them in. If however they failed to meet my needs then I would take the high road and tell on them. I would only tell on them because I would want to make a habit out of it, so really I would be doing them a favor. If they get caught then we can stop them before you makes it a usually thing.
Monday, March 2, 2015
Blogger 7
This weeks topic is about why 21 is the best age to be. When your 21 your allowed to vote but to be fair you were allowed to vote when your 18 I guess the only real difference is your allowed to drink but drinking is not as fun as you would think, its more just about the principal. When your 21 you have gotten to unlock all the wonders of the world. Which is a really big accompishment for you if you just think about it for a minute.
This weeks topic is about why 21 is the best age to be. When your 21 your allowed to vote but to be fair you were allowed to vote when your 18 I guess the only real difference is your allowed to drink but drinking is not as fun as you would think, its more just about the principal. When your 21 you have gotten to unlock all the wonders of the world. Which is a really big accompishment for you if you just think about it for a minute.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Blog #6
I don't like how they make us spend the first 13 years of education on testing. Why can't they just wait a couple years after they have taught us a bunch of stuff to then test us. I also think that education relys to heavily on education because if you fail all of your tests you will fail the class. Life would be so much easier if there were no tests but not better because when we get a test our teacher can tell where we are at in our learning and she can focus on that.
I don't like how they make us spend the first 13 years of education on testing. Why can't they just wait a couple years after they have taught us a bunch of stuff to then test us. I also think that education relys to heavily on education because if you fail all of your tests you will fail the class. Life would be so much easier if there were no tests but not better because when we get a test our teacher can tell where we are at in our learning and she can focus on that.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Blog #5
The 4 most important things in my life are my family members because without them I wouldn't even be here and they are all like 10 years older than me so I barely see them any ways. but when I see them they make sure they know who my daddy is. The 2nd most important is friends because without friends I wouldn't be the person I am today and that is a pretty good thing. 3rd is money because with money you can buy anything you want. 4th is educatioin because with knowledge comes power.
The 4 most important things in my life are my family members because without them I wouldn't even be here and they are all like 10 years older than me so I barely see them any ways. but when I see them they make sure they know who my daddy is. The 2nd most important is friends because without friends I wouldn't be the person I am today and that is a pretty good thing. 3rd is money because with money you can buy anything you want. 4th is educatioin because with knowledge comes power.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Blog #4

Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Blog #3
If I had an extra $10,000 dollars and I couldn't spend it on myself. I would buy my mother $10,000 dollars worth lottery tickets that way she might become a millionaire. She would be so grateful that I got as much of lottery tickets for her that she would give a couple millions to me. Then I would be even richer than I started.
If I had an extra $10,000 dollars and I couldn't spend it on myself. I would buy my mother $10,000 dollars worth lottery tickets that way she might become a millionaire. She would be so grateful that I got as much of lottery tickets for her that she would give a couple millions to me. Then I would be even richer than I started.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Blog #2
Blog #2
If I could go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Florida because it is never cold down there or at least snowing. If I did go to Florida I would go to Disney Land and I would talk to Mickey mouse and Miny Mouse and I would just pull pranks on people. I'm sure after a while I would get bored of the warm weather and then want to go back to Michigan where its snowing one day then the next day your wearing shorts.
If I could go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Florida because it is never cold down there or at least snowing. If I did go to Florida I would go to Disney Land and I would talk to Mickey mouse and Miny Mouse and I would just pull pranks on people. I'm sure after a while I would get bored of the warm weather and then want to go back to Michigan where its snowing one day then the next day your wearing shorts.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Blog #1

If I was an insect I would be a Bee. The reason I would be a bee is because I like flowers but I don't like sucky flowers dry another reason I would be a bee is because I would have the voice of Jerry Seinfield. That would be a gift and a curse so I don't think I would talk to my other bee budys and we would also start a group of bees that way we could take over the world we would be a group of secret bee assasin. With that I would be able to rule everyone by going down a persons throat and stinging them in the heart.
Friday, January 16, 2015
Final Exam
Semester 1 Exam

Now that is one of the Web 2.0 tools that I like, a tool that I don't like would have to be the Wikis I don't think I would ever use this tool again unless I had to because, it was rather difficult for me to get around using this website and I wouldn't like anyone would have the ability to edit my wiki. That is why I would never use this web 2.0 tool.
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