Monday, January 26, 2015

Blog #2

Blog #2
If I could go anywhere in the world I would want to go to Florida because it is never cold down there or at least snowing.  If I did go to Florida I would go to Disney Land and I would talk to Mickey mouse and Miny Mouse and I would just pull pranks on people.  I'm sure after a while I would get bored of the warm weather and then want to go back to Michigan where its snowing one day then the next day your wearing shorts.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog #1


If I was an insect I would be a Bee.  The reason I would be a bee is because I like flowers but I don't like sucky flowers dry another reason I would be a bee is because I would have the voice of Jerry Seinfield.  That would be a gift and a curse so I don't think I would talk to my other bee budys and we would also start a group of bees that way we could take over the world we would be a group of secret bee assasin.  With that I would be able to rule everyone by going down a persons throat and stinging them in the heart.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Final Exam

    Semester 1 Exam
    This semester in Exploring Technology I was able to work with a lot of interesting tools and my favorite tool would have to the Google Drives.  After I gradutate there will still be plenty of times where I am able to use this tool for instints lets say i'm working on a group assignment but not every one is in the same room them we would all get onto one google drive and edit the paper.  Another instint would be if im taking notes in a class room and I can't download it or print them I could just type my notes in Google Drives and come back for them later.  The last way I would be able to use google drive after high school would be if I needed to send someone pictures then I could easily just put them on the file and share with my friends or family and they could all look at them at the same time.  Because with Google Drives you can simply open a word document over you gmail account and share it with friends or family and they can all edit or just look at it.

    Now that is one of the Web 2.0 tools that I like, a tool that I don't like would have to be the Wikis I don't think I would ever use this tool again unless I had to because, it was rather difficult for me to get around using this website and I wouldn't like anyone would have the ability to edit my wiki.  That is why I would never use this web 2.0 tool.